Dimensions: 1150 x 150 px,
Pixels per Inch: 72
Type: JPG (Progressive)
Size: Under 30 KB.
Pixels per Inch: 72
Type: JPG (Progressive)
Size: Under 30 KB.
Paint Brush -- First Runner Up
This began life as one of my acrylic paint on gelatin prints. I scanned the print into PS and used a tiny portion as a background pattern for my canvas. Further embellishments were added in PS with paint brushes, multiple adjustment layers, effects and opacity levels.

Spider Flower
This could also be a mutant sea creature if you like. The petals or tentacles are shape layer overlays on multiple background layers subtracted from the overall canvas with the eraser tool. The signature text was manipulated with warp text and a gradient layer effect.

Bromeliad Dark
Bromeliads, succulents and cacti are about the only things that actually thrive in my arid California garden. This photo was taken with a very inexpensive digital camera. The photo itself was nothing special. So I boosted saturation & texture in PS on multiple layers, applied a sumi filter and then subtracted unwanted areas with an eraser tool.

Bromeliad Light
I couldn't decide which background worked better. This is the same photo as above except for the background color.

Deep Impact
A little tongue in cheek humor. When I think of summer, I immediately think of summer blockbuster movies. This is an homage to the summer disaster / horror films of 2016. How many faces do you see?